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Impact of climate change on the Piedmont Alps springs

Impatto del cambiamento climatico sulle sorgenti dell’arco alpino piemontese



ERC Sectors

PE10_17 - Hydrology, hydrogeology, engineering and environmental geology, water and soil pollution


Research Area: Hidrogeology

In the context of global climate change, understanding the relationships between climate and groundwater is increasingly important. This study in the NW Alps represents the first regional-scale investigation of the groundwater feature variation in mountain aquifers due to climate variability. The analysis of groundwater temperature and discharge in 28 natural mineral water springs and meteorological parameters (rainfall and air temperature) permits us to evaluate the annual behaviour and possible trends of these parameters during the period from 2001 to 2018.

The results will highlight the existing correlations between spring discharge and various meteorological and topographic parameters in the studied mountain area. Moreover, a preliminary framework of the impacts of climatic variability on the availability and temperature of the exploited water resources will be provided.


Figure 1:
Location of the analysed springs in the Piedmont Region mountainous area and associated hydrogeological complexes. The quaternary superficial deposit complex is not reported in the map due to its large distribution (from Bastiancich et al., 2021). 


Figure 2: Percentage of mineral water sources (number of springs plus wells) divided by Italian region (a), and annual volume (m3/year) supplied by the springs in the provinces of the Piedmont (b) (from Bastiancich et al., 2021).


Figura 3: A)Original scheme of a spring capture structure. The numbers refer to the size in cm. B) Picture of the spring capture structure.

Main partnership

Ente di Governo dell’Ambito Territoriale Ottimale n. 5 Astigiano Monferrato.

Potential projects joined to research

  • - Progetto Talenti della Società Civile 2018. Finanziamento per il progetto dal titolo: “La risposta delle acque sotterranee della pianura piemontese al cambiamento climatico”. Promosso da Fondazione Goria e Fondazione CRT.
  • - Università degli Studi di Torino - Ricerca finanziata da Università (ex 60%) 2018. “Il territorio e l’uomo: percorsi integrati di conoscenza, valorizzazione e salvaguardia”. Responsabile scientifico: Sabrina Bonetto. Durata 2 anni (01/01/2019-31/12/2020). 
  • - Università degli Studi di Torino - Ricerca finanziata da Università (ex 60%) 2019. “Ambiente naturale e ambiente antropico: conoscenza, valorizzazione e gestione delle risorse e delle pericolosità naturali e indotte”. Responsabile scientifico: Pierluigi Pieruccini. Durata 2 anni (01/01/2019-31/12/2020). 
  • - Università degli Studi di Torino - Ricerca finanziata da Università (ex 60%) 2020. “Developing new strategies for the mitigation of geo-hazards in mountainous areas”. Responsabile scientifico: Sergio Vinciguerra. Durata 2 anni (01/01/2020-31/12/2022). 
  • - Convenzione tra il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università degli Studi di Torino e la società Riccoboni Holding nell’ambito di una ricerca dal titolo: “Studio della risposta delle acque sotterranee della pianura piemontese al cambiamento climatico”. Inizio: 30 aprile 2019. 


  • - De Luca DA, Masciocco L, Caviglia C, Destefanis E, Forno MG, Fratianni S, Gattiglio M, Lasagna M, Gianotti F, Latagliata V, Massazza G (2015) Distribution, discharge, geological and physical-chemical features of the springs in the Turin Province (Piedmont, NW Italy).
  • - G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 3, River Basins, Reservoir Sedimentation and Water Resources, 253-256. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015. 
  • - De Luca DA, Cerino Abdin E, Forno MG, Gattiglio M, Gianotti F, Lasagna M (2019)  The Montellina Spring as example of water circulation in alpine DSGSD context (NW Italy). Water 2019, 11(4), 700.
  • - De Luca DA, Lasagna M, Debernardi L (2020). Hydrogeology of the western Po plain (Piedmont, NW Italy). J of Maps 16(2):265–273. 
  • - Bastiancich L., Lasagna M., Mancini S., Falco M., De Luca D.A. (2021) Temperature and discharge variations in natural mineral water springs due to climate variability: a case study in the Piedmont Alps (NW Italy). Environ Geochem Health.

Tag: Natural mineral water spring; Climate change; Trend

Last update: 04/01/2022 09:09
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