Simona Ferrando
Associate Professor
- Department of Earth Sciences
- SSD: GEO/07 - petrology and petrography
- 0116705111
- Call simona.ferrando.unito
- Via Valperga Caluso, 35 10125 Torino
- Contacts VCard
- Department of Earth Sciences
- Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
- Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74)
- Scienze Naturali, Scienze dei Sistemi Naturali,
Evoluzione del comportamento animale e dell’uomo
Curriculum vitae
Selected research products
- MALUSA’ M., BRANDMAYR E., PANZA G.F., ROMANELLI F., FERRANDO S., FREZZOTTI M.L. (on line10 January 2022): An explosive component in a December 2020 Milan earthquake suggests outgassing of deeply recycled carbon. Communications Earth & Environment, 10.1038/s43247-021-00336-y
- MAFFEIS A., FERRANDO S., CONNOLLY J.A.D., GROPPO C., FREZZOTTI M.L. & CASTELLI D. (2021): Thermodynamic analysis of HP-UHP fluid inclusions: the solute load and chemistry of metamorphic fluids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 315, 207-229, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.08.044
- BARALE L., BERTOK C., D’ATRI A., MANTOVANI A., MARTIRE L., AGOSTINI S., BERNASCONI S.M., GERDES A. & FERRANDO S. (2021): Syn-rift hydrothermal circulation in the Mesozoic carbonates of the western Adriatic continental palaeomargin (Western Southalpine Domain, NW Italy). Basin Research, 33, 3045-3076, doi: 10.1111/bre.12594
- PELLEGRINO L., NATALICCHIO M., ABE K., JORDAN R.W., FAVERO-LONGO S.E., FERRANDO S., CARNEVALE G. & DELA PIERRE F. (2021): Tiny, glassy and rapidly trapped: the nano-sized planktic diatoms in Messinian (late Miocene) gypsum. Geology, 49, 1369-1374, doi: 10.1130/G49342.1
- PETRIGLIERI J.R., LAPORTE-MANGONI C., SALVIOLI-MARIANI E., FERRANDO S., TOMATIS M., FUBINI B., TURCI F. (2021): Morphological and chemical properties of fibrous antigorite from lateritic deposit of New Caledonia in view of hazard assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 777, 146185; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146185.
REMIGI S., MANCINI T., FERRANDO S. & FREZZOTTI M.L. (first on line 04 February 2021): Towards an inter-laboratory application of Raman CO2 densimeter equations: a study of the influence of experimental procedure, and a statistical analysis using bootstrapped confidence intervals. Applied Spectroscopy; doi: 10.1177/000370282098760
GIORDANO D., GONZÁLEZ-GARCÍA D., RUSSEL J.K., RANERI S., BERSANI D., FORNASINI L., DI GENOVA D., FERRANDO S., KALIWODA M., LOTTICI P., SMIT M. & DINGWELL D.B. (2020): A calibrated database of Raman spectra for natural silicate glasses: implications for modelling melt physical properties. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 51, 1822-1830;
FERRANDO S., PETRELLI M., FREZZOTTI M.L. (2019): Gradual and selective trace-element enrichments in slab-released fluids at sub-arc depths. Scientific Reports, 9, 16393, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-52755-9.
GROPPO C., FERRANDO S., GILIO M., BOTTA S., NOSENZO F., BALESTRO G., FESTA A., ROLFO F. (2019): What's in the sandwich? New P-T constraints for the (U)HP nappe stack of southern Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps). European Journal of Mineralogy, 31, 665-683, doi: 10.1127/ejm/2019/0031-2860
ANDREETTO F., DELA PIERRE F., GIBERT L.B., NATALICCHIO M., FERRANDO S. (2019): Potential fossilized sulfide-oxidizing bacteria in the upper Miocene sulfur-bearing limestones from the Lorca Basin (SE Spain): paleoenvironmental implications. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10:1031. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01031.
CAO W., GILOTTI J.A., MASSONNE H.J., FERRANDO S., FOSTER C.T. (2019, manuscript online: 16 August 2018): Partial melting due to breakdown of an epidote-group mineral during exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure eclogite: an example from the North-East Greenland Caledonides. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 37, 15-39, doi: 10.1111/jmg.12447.
REAL C., FROITZHEIM N., CAROSI R., FERRANDO S. (2018): Evidence of large-scale Mesozoic detachments preserved in the basement of the Southern Alps (northern Lago di Como area). It. J. Geosci, 137, 283-293, doi: 10.3301/IJG.2018.15.
MALUSA’ M., FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S., BRANDMAYR E., ROMANELLI F., PANZA G.F. (2018): Active carbon sequestration in the Alpine mantle wedge and implications for long-term climate trends. Scientific Reports, 8, 4740, doi. 10.1038/s41598-018-22877-7.
DECARLIS A., FELLIN M.G., MAINO M., FERRANDO S., MANATSCHAL G., GAGGERO L., SENO S., STUART F.M., BELTRANDO M. (2017b): Tectono-thermal evolution of a distal rifted margin: constraints from the Calizzano Massif (Prepiedmont-Briançonnais domain, Ligurian Alps). Tectonics, 36, 3209-3228, doi: 10.1002/2017TC004634
DECARLIS A., BELTRANDO M., MANATSCHAL G., FERRANDO S., CAROSI R. (2017a): Architecture of the distal Piedmont-Ligurian rifted margin in NW-Italy: hints for a flip of the rift system polarity. Tectonics, 36, 2388-2406, doi: 10.1002/2017TC004561.
OGLIALORO E., FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S., TIRABOSCHI C., PRINCIPE C., GROPPELLI G., VILLA I.M. (2017): Lithospheric magma dynamics beneath the El Hierro Volcano, Canary Islands: insights from fluid inclusions. Bull. Volcanol., 79, 70. doi: 10.1007/s00445-017-1152-6
FERRANDO S., GROPPO C., FREZZOTTI M.L., CASTELLI D., PROYER A. (2017; in press August 26, 2016): Dissolving dolomite in a stable UHP mineral assemblage: evidence from Cal-Dol marbles of the Dora-Maira Massif (Italian Western Alps). American Mineralogist, 102, 42-60. doi: 10.2138/am-2017-5761
ELIA D., MEIRANO V., FACCHINETTI L., GROPPO C., FERRANDO S., CASTELLI D., GHEDIN L. (2016): Macine manuali dalla villa romana di Costigliole Saluzzo (CN): contesti, morfologia, analisi petrografica, interventi di restauro. Orizzonti – Rassegna di archeologia, 17, 89-102.
GROPPO C., FERRANDO S., CASTELLI D., ELIA D., MEIRANO V., FACCHINETTI L. (2016): A possible new UHP unit in the Western Alps as revealed by ancient Roman quern-stones from Costigliole Saluzzo, Italy. European Journal of Mineralogy, 28, 1215-1232. doi: 10.1127/ejm/2016/0028-2531
DELA PIERRE F., NATALICCHIO M., FERRANDO S., GIUSTETTO R., BIRGEL D., CARNEVALE G., GIER S., LOZAR F., MARABELLO D., PECKMANN J. (2015): Are the large filamentous microfossils preserved in Messinian gypsum colorless sulfide-oxidizing bacteria? Geology, 43, 855-858. doi: 110.1130/G37018.1
BALESTRO G., CASSULO R., FIORASO G., NICOLO' G., ROLFO F., BONANSEA E., CADOPPI P., CASTELLI D., FERRANDO S., FESTA A., GROPPO C., MORELLI M., MORTARA G., MOSCA P. (2015): IT applications for sharing geoheritage information: the example of the geological and geomorphological trail in the Monviso massif (NW Italy). Rendoconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, 34, 85-88. doi: 10.33.01/ROL.2015.42
ROLFO F., BENNA P., CADOPPI P., CASTELLI D., FAVERO-LONGO S.E., GIARDINO M., BALESTRO G., BELLUSO E., BORGHI A., CAMARA F., COMPAGNONI R., FERRANDO S., FESTA A., FORNO M.G., GIACOMETTI F., GIANOTTI F., GROPPO C., LOMBARDO B., MOSCA P., PERRONE G., PIERVITTORI R., REBAY G., ROSSETTI P. (2015; first online feb 2014): The Monviso Massif and the Cottian Alps as symbols of the Alpine chain and geological heritage in Piemonte, Italy. Geoheritage, 7, 65-84. doi: 10.1007/s12371-014-0097-9
FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S. (2015; first on line July 2014): The chemical behavior of fluids released during deep subduction based on fluid inclusions. American Mineralogist, 100, 352-377. DOI:
BORGHI A., BERRA V., D'ATRI A., DINO G.A., GALLO L.M., GIACOBINO E., MARTIRE L., MASSARO G., VAGGELLI G., BERTOK C., CASTELLI D., COSTA E., FERRANDO S., GROPPO C., ROLFO F. (2015; first on line 2014): Stone materials used for monumental buildings in the historical centre of Turin (NW Italy): architectonical survey and petrographic characterization of Via Roma. In Pereira D., Marker B.R., Kramar S., Cooper B. J., Schouenborg B. E. (eds) Global Heritage Stone: Towards International Recognition of Building and Ornamental Stones. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 407, 201-218. DOI:
CASTELLI D., COMPAGNONI R., LOMBARDO B., ANGIBOUST S., BALESTRO G., FERRANDO S., GROPPO C., HIRAJIMA T., ROLFO F. (2014): Crust-mantle interactions during subduction of oceanic & continental crust. Geological Field Trips, 6, 73 pp. DOI 10.3301/GFT.2014.03
DELA PIERRE F., CLARI P., NATALICCHIO M., FERRANDO S., GIUSTETTO R., LOZAR F., LUGLI S., MANZI V., ROVERI M., VIOLANTI D. (2014): Flocculent layers and bacterial mats in the mudstone interbeds of the Primary Lower Gypsum Unit (Tertiary Piedmont Basin, NW Italy): archives of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Messinian salinity. Marine Geology, 355, 71-87. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.05.010
NATALICCHIO M., DELA PIERRE F., LUGLI F., LOWENSTEIN T.K., FEINER S.J., FERRANDO S., MANZI V., ROVERI M., CLARI P. (2014; first online dec 2013): Did Late Miocene (Messinian) gypsum precipitate from evaporated marine brines? Insights from the Piedmont Basin (Italy). Geology, 42, 179-182. doi:10.1130/G34986.1
BORGHI A., d’ATRI A., MARTIRE L., COSTA E., DINO G., FAVERO LONGO S.E., FERRANDO S., GALLO L.M., GIARDINO M., GROPPO C., PIERVITTORI R., ROLFO F., ROSSETTI P., VAGGELLI G. (2014; first on line nov 2013): Fragments of the Western Alpine Chain as Historic Ornamental Stones in Turin (Italy): Enhancement of Urban Geological Heritage through Geotourism. Geoheritage, 6/1, 41-45. doi: 10.1007/s12371-013-0091-7
LOZAR F., CLARI P., DELA PIERRE F., BERNARDI E., NATALICCHIO M., VIOLANTI D., BENNA P., CAVAGNA S., COSTA E., FERRANDO S., MARTINETTO E., RUBBO M., ZANELLA E., GIARDINO M. (2012): A time-trip to the sunny Messinian shores: climate variability and past environmental changes recorded in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (PROGEOPiemonte Project). Geologia dell’Ambiente, 3/2012, 65-68.
FERRANDO S. (2012): Mg-metasomatism of metagranitoids from the Alps: genesis and possible tectonic scenarios. Terra Nova, 24, 423-436. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2012.01078.x
FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S., TECCE F., CASTELLI D. (2012): Water content and nature of solutes in shallow-mantle fluids from fluid inclusions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 351-352, 70-83. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.07.023
LOMBARDO B., COMPAGNONI R., FERRANDO S., RADULESCO N., ROLLAND Y. (2011): Variscan geology of the Argentera Massif, Western Alps and comparison with the Maures-Tanneron Massifs (France). Ann. Mus. Hist. nat. Nice, 26, 139-163.
COMPAGNONI R., FERRANDO S., LOMBARDO B., RADULESCO N., RUBATTO D. (2010): Paleo-European crust of the Italian Western Alps: Geological history of the Argentera Massif and comparison with Mont Blanc-Aiguilles Rouges and Maures-Tanneron Massifs. In: (Eds.) Marco Beltrando, Angelo Peccerillo, Massimo Mattei, Sandro Conticelli, and Carlo Doglioni, The Geology of Italy, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142, 36, paper 3, doi: 10.3809/jvirtex.2010.00228
FERRANDO S., FREZZOTTI M.L., ORIONE P., CONTE R.C, COMPAGNONI R. (2010): Late-Alpine rodingitization in the Bellecombe meta-ophiolites (Aosta Valley, Italian Western Alps): evidence from mineral assemblages and serpentinization-derived H2-bearing brine. International Geology Review, 52, 1220-1243. DOI: 10.1080/00206810903557761
FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S., PECCERILLO A., PETRELLI M., TECCE F., PERUCCHI A. (2010): Chlorine-rich metasomatic H2O-CO2 fluids in amphibole-bearing peridotites from Injibara (Lake Tana region, Ethiopian plateau): nature and evolution of volatiles in the mantle of a region of continental flood basalts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 3023-3039. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.02.007
RUBATTO D., FERRANDO S., COMPAGNONI R., LOMBARDO B. (2010): Carboniferous high-pressure metamorphism of Ordovician protoliths in the Argentera Massif (Italy), Southern European Variscan belt. Lithos, 116, 65-76. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2009.12.013
FERRANDO S., FREZZOTTI M.L., PETRELLI M., COMPAGNONI R. (2009): Metasomatism of continental crust during subduction: the UHP whiteschists from the Southern Dora-Maira Massif (Italian Western Alps). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 739-756. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2009.00837.x
FERRANDO S., LOMBARDO B., COMPAGNONI R. (2008): Metamorphic history of HP mafic granulites from the Gesso-Stura Terrain (Argentera Massif, Western Alps, Italy). European Journal of Mineralogy, 20, 777-790.
FORNO M.G., FERRANDO S. (2008): Plio-Quaternary continental deposits of Castellamonte area between Orco and Dora Baltea Basins (Torino Province, Italy). Quaternary International, 190, 103-111.
FERRANDO S., FREZZOTTI M.L., NEUMANN E.R., DE ASTIS G., PECCERILLO A., DEREJE A., GEZAHEGN Y., TEKLEWOLD A. (2008): Composition and thermal structure of the lithosphere beneath the Ethiopian plateau: evidence from mantle xenoliths in basanites, Injibara, Lake Tana Province. Mineralogy & Petrology, 93¸ 47-78. doi: 10.1007/s00710-007-0219-z
FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S. (2007): Multiphase solid inclusions in ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks: a petrographic approach. Periodico di Mineralogia, 76, 113-125. doi: 10.2451/2007PM0020
FERRANDO S., ROLFO F., LOMBARDO B. (2007): Fluid evolution from metamorphic peak to exhumation in Himalayan granulitised eclogites, Ama Drime range, southern Tibet. European Journal of Mineralogy, 19, 439-461. doi: 10.1127/0935-1221/2007/0019-1748
FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S., DALLAI L., COMPAGNONI R. (2007): Intermediate alkali-alumino-silicate aqueous solutions released by deeply subducted continental crust: fluid evolution in UHP OH-rich topaz-kyanite quartzites from Donghai (Sulu, China). Journal of Petrology, 48, 1219-1241. doi:10.1093/petrology/egm015
FERRANDO S., FREZZOTTI M.L., DALLAI L., COMPAGNONI R. (2005b): Multiphase solid inclusions in UHP rocks (Su-Lu, China): remnants of supercritical silicate-rich aqueous fluids released during continental subduction. Chemical Geology, 223, 68-81.
FERRANDO S., FREZZOTTI M.L., DALLAI L., COMPAGNONI R. (2005a): Fluid-rock interaction in UHP phengite-kyanite-epidote eclogite from the Sulu orogen, Eastern China. International Geology Review, 47, 750-774.
ROLFO F., FERRANDO S. (2004): Selected case studies in the high and ultrahigh pressure terranes of Dabie Shan and Sulu (China). Periodico di Mineralogia, special issue 2: "A showcase of the Italian research in metamorphic petrology", 73, 173-183.
FERRANDO S., BERNOULLI D., COMPAGNONI R. (2004): The Canavese zone (internal Western Alps): a distal margin of Adria. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 84, 237-256.
Compagnoni R., Borghi A., Cadoppi P., Ferrando S., Gattiglio M., Ruffini R. (2003): The abundance of 47 elements and petrovolumetric models of the crust in the Susa Valley, Western Alps (Site 1). In Sassi F.P. Ed., Cesare B, Mazzoli C., Peruzzo L., Rizzo G., Sassi R., Spiess R. associated Eds. “The abundance of 55 elements and petrovolumetric models of the crust in 9 type areas from the crystalline basements of Italy, with some geophysical and petrophysical data” in Honour of Bruno Zanettin on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, Scritti e Documenti, 32, 69-96.
ALBERICO A., FERRANDO S., IVALDI G., FERRARIS G. (2003): X-ray single-crystal structure refinement of an OH-rich topaz from Sulu UHP terrane (Eastern China). Structural foundation of the correlation between cell parameters and fluorine content. European Journal of Mineralogy, 15, 875-881.
Capitoli di libro
ROLFO F., GROPPO C., BALESTRO G., CASTELLI D., FERRANDO S., MOSCA P. (2019). Monviso – un itinerario geoturistico attraverso l’antico oceano Tetide.. In: Tutti i colori di una Regione. 13 itinerari geologici in Piemonte. p. 19-42, Torino:Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali
FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S. (2018): The role of halogens in the lithospheric mantle. In D.E. Harlow & L. Aranovich (eds) The role of halogens in terrestrial and extraterrestrial geochemical processes, Springer Geochemistry, 805-845. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-61667-4_13
ROLFO F., BALESTRO G., BORGHI A., CASTELLI G., FERRANDO S., GROPPO C., MOSCA P., ROSSETTI P. (2015, first online mar 2014): The Monviso Ophiolite Geopark, a symbol of the Alpine chain and geological heritage in Piemonte, Italy. In Lollino G., Giordan D., Marunteanu C., Christaras B., Yoshinori I, Margottini C. (eds) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 8 Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 239-243. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09408-3_40
GIANOTTI F., FORNO M.G., AJASSA, R., CAMARA F., COSTA E., FERRANDO S., GIARDINO M., LUCCHESI S., MOTTA L., MOTTA M., PEROTTI L., ROSSETTI P. (2015, first on line may 2014): The Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre as a well pre-served record of the Quaternary climate variability (PROGEO-Piemonte Project, NW Italy). In Lollino G., Giordan D., Marunteanu C., Christaras B., Yoshinori I, Margottini C. (eds) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 8 Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 235-238. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09408-3_39
PORETTI G., BORGHI A., D’ATRI A., DINO G., FERRANDO S., GROPPO C., MARTIRE L., ACCATTINO E., FAVERO LONGO S.E., PIERVITTORI R., ROLFO F. (2015, first online apr 2014): The stone bridges on the Po River at Turin (NW Italy): a scientific dissemination approach for the development of urban geological heritage. In Lollino G., Giordan D., Marunteanu C., Christaras B., Yoshinori I, Margottini C. (eds) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 8 Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 207-211. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-09408-3_33
ROLFO F., GROPPO C., MOSCA P., FERRANDO S., COSTA E., KAPHLE K.P. (2015, first online apr 2014): Metamorphic CO2 degassing in the active Himalayan orogen: exploring the influence of orogenic activity on the long-term global climate changes. In Lollino G., Manconi A., Clague J., Shan W., Chiarle M. (eds) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 1 Climate Change and Engineering Geology, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 21-25. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09300-0_5
Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74) - LABORATORIO DI PETROGRAFIA (MFN0637)
Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74) - Petrografia con Laboratorio (Corso A) (MFN0695)
Scienze Naturali, Scienze dei Sistemi Naturali,
Corsi di studi in Scienze Geologiche (L-34 e LM-74)
Research topics
Fluid-rock interaction in lithosphere in different geodynamic settings.
P-T-t evolution of Palaeozoic basement with geodynamic interpretation.
Minero-petrographic and microRaman applications to petrology, cultural heritage, and public health.
Minero-petrographic, microRaman and fluid inclusion applications to sedimentary processes occurred during Tertiary and Quaternary.
Research groups
- Fluid-rock interaction in oceanic and continental lithosphere
- Geodynamic role of metamorphic and metasomatic processes
- Metamorphic evolution of continental crust units at 'extreme' conditions
- Micro - raman and fluid inclusion applications in petrology and sedimentology
- Minero-petrographic and micro-Raman applications in public health
- Origin, transfer, fixation and outgassing of carbon in active orogenic systems
- P-T-t evolution of metamorphic and mantle rocks
- Petrography, Petrology e Metallogenesis
- Petrology of crustal and mantle rocks
- Applicazioni micro-raman e delle inclusioni fluide in campo petrologico e sedimentologico
- Petrografia, Petrologia e Metallogenesi
- Petrologia di rocce crostali mantelliche
- Applicazioni minero-petrografiche e micro-Raman nel campo della salute pubblica.
- Evoluzione metamorfica di unità di crosta continentale in condizioni estreme
- Evoluzione P-T-t di rocce metamorfiche e di mantello
- Interazione roccia-fluido in litosfera continentale e oceanica
- Produzione, trasporto, fissazione e degassamento di carbonio in sistemi orogenici attivi
- Ruolo geodinamico dei processi metamorfici e metasomatici
Research projects
- Il ruolo della fase fluida nei processi metamorfici e matasomatici
- Probing the depth: thermo-tectonic evolution of hyper-extended rifted margins
- Il ciclo dei fluidi nei margini di zolla convergenti: metamorfismo e matasomatismo
- Servizio di studio per la caratterizzazione e l'esame litologico del pietrisco interessante il ballast delle linee, scambi e impianti di giurisdizione della Direzione Territoriale Produzione Torino finalizzato all'integrazione della banca dati compartimentale
- Petrologia, geodinamica e minerogenesi dei margini convergenti
- Himalayan metaporphic Co2 degassing: exploring the influence of orogenic activity on the long-term global climate changes (HIMAL-metaCO2de)
- PROGEO - Piemonte (ORTO11Y7RH)
- Attuazione corso di formazione professionale per riconoscimento rocce e amianti in matrici naturali complesse
Office hours
previo appuntamento telefonico o via e-mailBy appointment