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Geodiversity and geosystem services mapping in the Alpine region

Cartografia della geodiversità e dei servizi geosistemi nella Regione alpina



ERC Sectors

PE10_5 - Geology, tectonics, volcanology
PE10_10 - Mineralogy, petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology
PE10_12 - Sedimentology, soil science, palaeontology, earth evolution
PE10_13 - Physical geography, geomorphology
PE10_17 - Hydrology, hydrogeology, engineering and environmental geology, water and soil pollution


schema concettuale della ricerca

The conceptual framework of the research: geodiversity mapping and assessmet, geosite selection, territorial planning, geoheritage management.

Geodiversity is the variety, recognizable in nature (“diversity"), of geological features (rocks, minerals, fossils...), of geomorphological environments (and related forms and processes) and of soil characteristics. It not only includes individual phenomena, but also their combinations, their relationships, the properties that characterize them, their interpretations and the systems in which they are organized.
Geodiversity is an important factor that interacts with the biodiversity and conditions it, by determining the diversity in Nature. Geodiversity of the Alpine region can be represented by geothematic maps identifying geological units/complexes from its surroundings by their lithological, structural, geomorphological, etc. characteristics. These in turn can be classified as geosystem services.
The best evidences of certain environments and geological processes can be seen not only as research case-studies, but also as objects for popular science and cultural enhancement. Geoheritage includes geosites privileged site or areas for interpreting the geologic significance, the distribution in the past and the evolutionary history of rocks, fossils, landforms and morphogenetic processes.



F. Tognetto, L. Perotti, C. Viani, N. Colombo & M. Giardino (2021)
Geomorphology and geosystem services of the Indren-Cimalegna area (Monte Rosa massif - Western Italian Alps), Journal of Maps, 17:2, 161-172, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2021.1898484.

Perotti, L.; Bollati, I.M.; Viani, C.; Zanoletti, E.; Caironi, V.; Pelfini, M.; Giardino, M. (2020)
Fieldtrips and Virtual Tours as Geotourism Resources: Examples from the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark (NW Italy). Resources , 9, 63. - 29 May 2020

Perotti, L., Carraro, G., Giardino, M., De Luca, D.A., Lasagna, M. (2019)
Geodiversity evaluation and water resources in the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Geopark (Italy) Water (Switzerland), 11 (10), art. no. 2102, Document details DOI: 10.3390/w11102102

Zwoliński Z., Najwer A., Giardino M. (2018)
Methods for Assessing Geodiversity. In: Reynard E. & Brilha J. (Edts.) Geoheritage: assessment, protection and management, Chapter 2, 27-52. ISBN 978-0-12-809531-7, Elsevier, Amsterdam,

Giardino, M., Lombardo, V., Lozar, F., Magagna, A., Perotti, L.
Geomedia-web: Multimedia and networks for dissemination of knowledge on geoheritage and natural risk (2014) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 7: Education, Professional Ethics and Public Recognition of Engineering Geology, pp. 146-150. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09303-1_28


Cartografia geotematica di un settore alpino d’alta quota

Geothematic mapping of the Indren- Cimalegna area (Monte Rosa, Italy). Clockwise, from top left to bottom right: geomorphology, geosystem services, glacial history, geology.


2011 - 2015
"ProGEO-Piemonte" project (JCAPC program “Progetti d’Ateneo 2011” - ORTO11Y7HR),
University of Turin - Compagnia di San Paolo Bank Foundation: PROactive management of GEOlogical heritage in the PIEMONTE region: innovative methods and functional guidelines for promoting geodiversity knowledge and supporting geoconservation activities (PROGEO-Piemonte). .

2013 - 2016
National Project “GeoMedia-web”: (multimedia and network for spreading awareness on geoheritage and Geological Risks)
(Accordi di Programma “LEGGE 6/2000” - D.D. 369 del 26/06/2012 - ACPR12_00248.

2015 - 2021
ERASMUS + projects (Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices) "GEOHERITAGE AND CLIMATE CHANGE OPENING THE SECRETS OF HOME", and "Geoheritage and Climate Change for Highlighting the Professional Perspective".
Institutional Leader: VAALA Municipality Finland), scientific partner: University of Turin (Department of Earth Sciences).

2017 - 2020
“From rocks to stones, from landforms to landscapes” (acronym “geoDIVE”)
JCAPC University of Turin - Compagnia di San Paolo “Progetto d’Ateneo 2016” - project CSTO169034. 

2020 - 2023
ARCTIC HUBS Project (Global drivers, local consequences: Tools for climate change adaptation and sustainable development for Arctic industrial and cultural hubs)
(Call: H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2019-2020 - Topic: LC-CLA-07-2019 - Type of action: RIA) Grant agreement Grant agreement no.: 869580- Luke, Luonnonvarakeskus, Finland, the Coordinator of the Consortium.

2020 - 2021
3GEO – Geoclimbing & Geotrekking in Geoparks
IUGS-UNESCO IGCP project 714



Tag: Geodiversity, Geoheritage, Geosystem Services

Last update: 25/05/2023 10:52
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